GAETAN ROUSSEL mixes French text with English gimmick in a beautiful manner

His new single “Help myself” is selling pretty well since the issue of his last album : “ginger”. The leader of well known LOUISE ATTAQUE and TARMAC, had decided to pause for some years their precedent bands and flied on his own. And it works !! He wrote and produce the main parts of the last album of Bashung “Blue Petrole”, which was a big success in France.
His song writing, his particular voice got this time the help from English gimmicks, a manner certainly caught during his stay in New York and the collaboration with Tim Goldsworthy (unkle).

Le succès de Louise Attaque, un peu arrivé par la porte de derrière , n’avait jamais mis en lumière son leader à sa juste mesure. Avec l’album de Bashung et celui là , c’est chose faite.
Gaêtan ROUSSEL est donc devenu un Auteur Interprète compositeur poids lourd dans l’hexagone: qu’on se le dise !!
Co-lycéen de mon Ami Maxxxo et de moi-même à Montargis, c’est toujours gratifiant de parler de la réussite de Gaëtan ici sur INTIMEPOP et peut-être que l’on fera un jour une captation qui sait !??

We listen to “help myself (Nous ne Faisons Que Passer)” which double title is symptomatic of the concept of “ginger”.
Live from a sessions tv, produced by Daylimotion, live@home with big lights and cams everywhere, matching perfectly the song ambition but not the author universe.
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Same title on TARATATA, during music festival in Carcassonne :
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Finally a cover, “Andy” from Rita Mitsuko, good surprise :
[flashvideo width=480 height=271 plugins = viral-2 file=”″ poster=”” /]

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